We work with a programmatic ad partner to help manage ads on Grindr. This means that Grindr doesn’t individually review and approve each ad – the partner does that. Most ad reports will land with them, but our internal team always handles reports of ad content that has no place on Grindr.
Reporting technical issues
If you’re reporting an ad for a technical issue (ie, the ad isn’t loading, is causing your app to malfunction, etc) please email support@grindrads.com directly. In your email, please include as much of the following as possible:
- The email address associated with your Grindr account
- A screenshot (or screen recording) of the ad, if possible
- The format of the ad (ie, a message in your Grindr inbox, a full-screen pop up, etc)
- Your location
- The approximate date and time you first saw this ad (if you’re seeing the ad more than once, include that here too)
Reporting sensitive or offensive content
If you’re reporting an ad due to sensitive, harmful, or offensive content, please direct that feedback to our in-house support team here. Please note that any technical ad issue reports will be forwarded to our partner team at support@grindrads.com.